
11:50 a.m. 2002-03-05
Just like the Kittycat,I purr and jump out in the rain
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Surrounding sounds:
Passion of the moment:

Theres this guy, annoying guy. Really annoyng guy. Calling me all the time. But I dont wanna chit chat with him. No way in hell.
Anyway,'nough 'bout him. I've totaly kicked on this norwegian band called G�te. Weird fallin in love with a EP. Listen to it all the fukcin' day, and it's like nothing I've ever heard before. Exactly what I've been waiting for. But the real annoyng bit is that they're having a concert soon,and I'm too young to enter. *whine* *whine*

Well, it's not the end of the world, but almost... Hehe. Stupid music addicted me. Really music addicted, it's what keeps me alive, that and friends. Those of you who feel music like I do know what I mean. Man, I love it!
Another band you should check out is Cinema Strange,and not to forget Placebo. Actualy,I could go on and on, but this is todays links.

Had this dream thing one night,ritual thing. After that I've been dreaming dreams that help me,and I'm now a slightly happier person. As I've stated before,I see life quite different than I did some months ago. Looking at myself I can see that I've changed on the outside as well,got some new clothes and stuff. A little different 'style'.

Some other night,think it was to days ago,while I was lying in my bed, I suddenly started to think in 'book form. "Was the summer of '99. I was out on the beach..." and I couldn't stop. It just went on and on, my life, my story. I wrote about things I'd forgot many years ago, and had quite a revelation if I can put it that way. This is me. This is who I am. This it what shaped me. Made me. Worthless Lucian. Kim.
One thing escpecially. There were this strong older guy, who did things, to little Lucy. No one knew.

As he reaced the old,rusty building his father works at, he smiled. Peter looks behind him, none there. Good.
Locked door. "Dad! Daad!"

Untill Then,
Lucy Boyslut as Evil Ninja kYm

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